Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Box People

 The Box People are Andrew Taylor and Marina Brown....who, funnily enough make mainly boxes but also other creations from recycled, found & foraged materials such as wood, metal, fabric, computer bits, old handles and latches and hinges and all manner of matter that they find appealing.

Marina and Andrew have been creating their functional artworks for 20 years in Sydney,selling mainly at markets and festivals.
They moved to Katoomba in the beautiful Blue Mountains in Oct 2010 and since then have been selling their work at festivals such as Winter Magic, Ironfest, Leura Fair, Footlight Fest etc...

Every piece created by collaborators Andrew and Marina is an individual work of art.
you have to look inside each one as well, because there are surprises!

There is no end to what Andrew can turn into a box!

As well as boxes you will find delightful little wall plaques and magnets - all with a story to tell.

The Box People can also be found regularly at the  Magpie (Lawson) and Blackheath Community market. Look out for them at the Bluebird Market in Leura in mid December.
A great selection of work can be found everyday at the Nook @ Leura, a co-operative gallery.
We wlcome Marina and Andrew for the first time at Mountain Makers this coming Saturday.

Hurray for the creative mountains community!!!

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